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100+ Abstract Tattoo Ideas to Let Your Creative Side Run Wild

by Sherri Owens

From swirls and freehand designs to tribal ink, there are plenty of abstract tattoos for you to choose from!

I have only really recently started getting into abstract tattoos. This is becoming a popular trend and I am finding an increasing number of clients requesting these designs. I find the concept and designs really intriguing and abstract tattoos are helping me develop and elevate my skills as an artist.

In this post, I will reveal the top abstract tattoo ideas and give you a few options and introductions for each category.

What Are Abstract Tattoos?

Before I share the top abstract tattoo ideas with you, I do want to touch upon what an abstract tattoo actually is. This is because there is no set definition for abstract tattoos - likely because the definition of what abstract art is equally is hazy.

Abstract art is about using shapes, colors, forms, and marks to represent the external reality or the world that we live in in an non-defined way.

In some cases, abstract art and abstract tattoos can represent a particular concept or idea. In other instances, abstract art and abstract tattoo ideas can be just about bringing an aesthetic composition to life.

You should also keep in mind that with abstract tattoos, there really are no rules. So, the term abstract tattoo can still be applied to a tattoo that only loosely follows the conditions of abstract art.

The Best Abstract Tattoo Ideas

Here are the top abstract tattoos that you can consider for yourself:

Swirl Abstract Tattoos

As titled, this kind of abstract tattoo involves swirls and whorls. In some cases, the abstract tattoo can involve concentric swirls.

Black Swirl with Marble Pattern Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @shinya_tattoo via Instagram

In this event, there will be sort of a repeating pattern to the black ink abstract tattoo. Of course, you can feel free to have an abstract tattoo design where the swirls are entirely random.

Black Swirl Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @tama_diamonddog via Instagram

If you want a more concentrated pattern for your abstract tattoo, I would suggest getting this design on your shoulder or near an elbow or your knee.

Black and Grey Swirl Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @les___muses via Instagram

If you would like to keep the abstract art tattoo a bit looser, then you can get it on a larger area such as your arm, forearm, back, etc. These can also work as a sleeve tattoo.

One of the cool things about these designs is that they work as abstract tattoos for men as well as women.

Black Swirl Abstract Elbow Tattoo

Image by @maddiewilshertattoos via Instagram

Black and Grey Shaded Swirl Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @upmuk via Instagram

Black Rectangular Swirl Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @dino_cestchiant_tattoo via Instagram

Black Swirl Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @playink_jay via Instagram

Black Swirl Abstract Shoulder and Upper Arm Tattoo

Image by @poli_ttt via Instagram

Black Swirl Abstract Hand Tattoo

Image by @bgxgrim via Instagram

Freehand Abstract Tattoos

This kind of abstract concept is similar to the swirl tattoo style. However, the design is a lot more random and is largely made up of abstract lines instead of curves.

Black Shaded Freehand Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @tattoo_alirezaa via Instagram

This kind of abstract tattoo can often have a lightning-like pattern to them. It is quite common for these kinds of abstract tattoo ideas to be located down the arm. However, they can work anywhere on the body, really.

Black Freehand Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @barbarafonseca_tatts via Instagram

If you are on the lookout for minimalist abstract tattoos, I would suggest opting for a fine-line version of this tattoo. This way the lines are a bit thinner and there is a bit more space in between the lines.

Black Freehand Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @ink.petals via Instagram

Although this may appear as a rather simple abstract tattoo, you shouldn't be deceived. There is still a certain level of precision involved in such abstract tattoos. Due to this, you need a skilled and capable tattoo artist to help you achieve your desired look.

Black and Red Freehand Abstract Back Tattoo

Image by @estedes_tattoo via Instagram

Black Freehand Abstract Arm and Ribs Tattoo

Image by @meysam__tattoo via Instagram

Black Freehand Abstract Arm and Upper Body Tattoo

Image by @feelfarbig via Instagram

Brush Stroke Abstract Tattoos

Imagine dipping a paintbrush into a pot of paint and then swiping the brush across a blank canvas. You may be able to see that the edges of the brush strokes are jagged. Also, the paint is darker in some areas and lighter or even non-existent in certain spaces in between.

Black Brush Stroke Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @naomi.e.murphy via Instagram

This is what brush strokes abstract tattoos look like. If you would like, you can also include paint splashes in between these designs. This idea can work well if you are looking to get artistic abstract tattoo designs.

Grey Shaded Brush Stroke Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @berkan_ink via Instagram

Now, you may notice the similarities in swirls of abstract tattoo ideas and wonder what the difference is. Well, for one thing, brush strokes abstract tattoos will have the distinct elements that I have mentioned above.

Black Brush Stroke Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @sandy_promenadenoire via Instagram

Also, when it comes to such abstract art concepts, the design is a lot more random. You can even have the curves or lines crisscrossing one another.

For the most part, this kind of abstract tattoo is made up entirely of black ink. If you would like to switch things up, though, you can certainly add some color.

Black and Grey Brush Stroke Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @carolineleguetattoo via Instagram

Black Brush Stroke Abstract Hip and Thigh Tattoo

Image by @stateofmindink via Instagram

Since a deep black will likely be the primary color, go for bold blues and reds to help them make a statement against the black.

On the other hand, you can also create watercolor abstract tattoos from this kind of effect if you want!

Black Brush Stroke with Floral Pattern Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @reina.asami via Instagram

Black Brush Stroke Abstract Biceps Tattoo

Image by @ovan_son via Instagram

Black Brush Stroke with Music Notes Abstract Arm Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @cactusinkbucharest via Instagram

Black Brush Stroke Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @tanyabirdie via Instagram

Shaded Brush Stroke Abstract Full Arm Tattoo

Image by @fda__lights_ via Instagram

Geometric Abstract Tattoos

Geometric abstract tattoo ideas are a great way to add some structure to your abstract art tattoos. This kind of abstract tattoo is also a great way to merge two fairly contemporary concepts.

So, if you want a more avant-garde-looking tattoo, this is a good style to consider.

Black Geometric Abstract Star Chest Tattoo

Image by @tewetubby via Instagram

Now, when it comes to geometric abstract art tattoos, there are different concepts that you can choose from.

You can have geometric shapes as well as random, non-conforming elements to your tattoo. Or, you can use various swirls, whirls, and other non-specific designs to create geometric shapes.

Black Geometric Rectangle Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @vibrantdeluxe.tattoo via Instagram

It all depends on the final look that you are going for. If you want something a bit more diverse or different, then go with the first idea. On the other hand, if you want a bit more structure or form to your abstract tattoo, then go with the second concept.

Black and Red Geometric Shapes Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @blackandbluetattoo via Instagram

Colorful Geometric Shapes Abstract Upper Spine Tattoo

Image by @lan.pravda via Instagram

Colorful Geometric Shapes Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @black_sheep_tattoo_cluj via Instagram

Black Geometric Bicycle Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @modul.schwarz via Instagram

Plant Abstract Tattoos

When most people think of abstract tattoo designs, they tend to think of inorganic designs. This is because to a certain degree, abstract art is about stepping away from the traditional muses for art and doing something quite different.

Black Floral Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @donttellmumtattoo via Instagram

Also, plants and abstract designs can feel at odds with one another. However, this is the reason that I love combining flowers, leaves, plants, and trees with abstract tattoo concepts. It creates a beautiful contrast and makes your tattoo really stand out.

Colorful Floral Abstract Arm Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @ralkinz via Instagram

Now, it is up to you to decide just how much abstract elements you want to introduce to your plant and tree tattoo. If you want to keep the flowers or plants fairly recognizable, then you can scale back on the abstract elements.

Black and Grey Rose Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @leah.hannaford via Instagram

On the other hand, if you want to distort plants, trees, and other flora in your tattoo, you can introduce a greater number of abstract details.

Black and White Pine Cone Abstract Calf Tattoo

Image by @soii.aa via Instagram

Negative Plant Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @surreal.lines via Instagram

Black and Grey Flower Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @baegx_ via Instagram

Colorful Flowers Abstract Back Tattoo

Image by @dareumtattoo via Instagram

Animal Abstract Tattoos

As with plants, animal abstract tattoo ideas are a great way for you to create two contrasting elements. However, since animals tend to have more details to them, you will find these kinds of abstract tattoo concepts to be a little different.

Black Flower and Dog Abstract Back Tattoo

Image by @black_dog_tattoo_collective via Instagram

So far, the abstract tattoo ideas have involved swirls, lines, or geometric elements. And, these are certainly concepts that you can include in your animal abstract tattoos as well.

At the same time, you can feel free to switch things up as well. For instance, you can use partitioning and colors to create an abstract art feel for your animal abstract tattoo.

Colorful Dog Abstract Calf Tattoo

Image by @borisbackert via Instagram

This can be an especially great idea if you want to get an abstract cat tattoo or an abstract dog tattoo. See, you likely have a more emotional connection to cats or dogs. Due to this, you may not want to distort their natural features too much. Or, you may not want to alter fundamental aspects of their appearance.

Colorful Dog Eyes Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @mikerutattoo via Instagram

So, instead, you can have their images broken up into different sections. Within these sections, you can include different tattoo styles and colors. This can be a great way to show off the different aspects of your favorite animals' personalities.

Since these tattoos can be quite detailed, make sure to work with a tattoo artist that has some experience with realistic elements.

Colorful Doga Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @rafikiink via Instagram

Negative Minimalistic Dog Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @ghislain______ via Instagram

Portrait Abstract Tattoos

Portrait abstract tattoo ideas tend to be a bit different from other concepts. This is because many of them follow a similar pattern.

Woman Portrait Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @jess.wii.tattoos via Instagram

Here, the portrait or portraits are drawn with a single line, moving to form different features of the face. In some cases, the lines intersect with one another or they may not touch at all.

Of course, this is just one idea for you to consider. The great thing about this kind of portrait tattoo is that they are plenty of ways to get creative.

Man and Woman Portrait Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @tattoolegendtenerife via Instagram

Woman Portrait Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @odalisquestudios via Instagram

For instance, you can do a pretty realistic tattoo using abstract lines and shading. This way, you create a balance between the two concepts.

You can also do one part of the face using a realism style. The rest can then be done with random splashes of shape, designs, or paint.

Or, you can use segments and colors to add dimension and unusual details to an otherwise realistic portrait tattoo.

Double Woman Portrait Abstract Inner Biceps Tattoo

Image by @scotty31344rutrow via Instagram

Colored Flowers and Woman with Makeup Portrait Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @pocotattooleeds via Instagram

Black Single Line Double Portrait Abstract Calf Tattoo

Image by @dexterkay via Instagram

Black Multiple Portraits Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @garts.tattoo.navan via Instagram

Flowers and Woman Portrait Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @dgeib_tattoo via Instagram

Colorful Skull and Girl Portrait Abstract Arm Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @travelertattooer via Instagram

Black Portrait Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @linkedworldwide via Instagram

Black and Grey Woman Portrait Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @art_lllex via Instagram

Heart Abstract Tattoos

If you are thinking of getting a more universal symbol, then an abstract heart tattoo is something that you may want to consider.

Colorful Heart Abstract Inner Biceps Tattoo

Image by @tattooandwalls via Instagram

There are a few different ways that you can get this kind of abstract tattoo. The first thing you will need to do is to decide whether you want a realistic heart or the symbol of the heart. This all depends on how complex you want your tattoo to be.

Colorful Heart Abstract Biceps Matching Tattoos

Image by @pablo_ortiz_tattoo via Instagram

After you have made this decision, you will need to determine what kind of eye-catching abstract design you are going to use for your tattoo. You can choose to draw the heart in an abstract way. Or, you can maintain the proper structure of the heart and impose elements such a wavy lines or whorls onto it to create a unique tattoo.

Red Sketched Heart Abstract Biceps Tattoo

Image by @rafikiink via Instagram

If you are in the mood for a more fun or eccentric design, then I would consider getting watercolor abstract tattoos for hearts.

Red and Black Heart Abstract Both Calves Tattoos

Image by @pipwintertattoo via Instagram

Black Human Heart Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @dexterkay via Instagram

Skull Abstract Tattoos

If you are looking for a more gothic approach to your tattoo, then an abstract skull tattoo may be just right up your alley.

Black and Grey Half Skull Abstract Calf Tattoo

Image by @carso1982 via Instagram

The cool about this kind of tattoo is that there are a few different design options to choose from. If you would like, then you can have only a bare outline of the skull, adding enough of abstract components to make you have to take a second look at the design.

Red Sliced Skull Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @matt_emel via Instagram

Or, you can choose to sketch out a skull design from negative space. This is a great way to create contrast while still adding a really spooky vibe to the design.

Black and Grey Ram Skull Abstract Chest Tattoo

Image by @jakobbelbin via Instagram

You can also get a more realistic skull tattoo but have half of the tattoo done up in with abstract elements. This can be a great way to depict two different versions of reality.

Keep in mind that such designs can be rather tricky so you are going to need a good tattoo artist to get the best possible result.

Black and Grey Skull Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @vikinkhamburg via Instagram

Black and Grey Skull Abstract Full Back Tattoo

Image by @dgeib_tattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Skull Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @jtm_tattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Skull with Bone Abstract Hand Tattoo

Image by @bugsartwork via Instagram

Bloody Skull Abstract Stomach Tattoo

Image by @franckrudyy via Instagram

Landscape Abstract Tattoos

This is a really cool concept if you want to show alternate versions of reality. Now, when it comes to this kind of abstract tattoo, your first order of business is to figure out what kind of landscape you want to do.

Black and Red Landscape Abstract Leg Tattoo

Image by @erik.batista.tattoo via Instagram

For instance, do you want to go with the ocean, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc? This will help you to decide what kind of components to add to the tattoo.

Black and Grey Landscape Abstract Arm Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @michellemybelleart via Instagram

However, you don't have to choose a definitive landscape if you don't want to. Instead, you can simply include fundamental elements and purposefully keep these elements blurred or obscured.

Colored Desert Landscape with Cactus Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @lisacardenasart via Instagram

Black and Grey Mountain Landscape Abstract Arm Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @jakobbelbin via Instagram

Black Landscape Abstract Arm Panel Tattoo

Image by @samxlynch via Instagram

Colorful Sunset Landscape with Lighthouse Abstract Leg Tattoo

Image by @julesboho.tattoo via Instagram

Colorful Forest Landscape Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @souzavictor.art via Instagram

Colorful Landscape with Palm Tree Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @rafikiink via Instagram

Ocean Landscape with Sun Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @1mm.tattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Forest Landscape Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @petra_bol.ttt via Instagram

Celestial Abstract Tattoos

I have to say that these are some of my favorite abstract tattoo ideas. This is because, on the surface, the moon, sun, and stars are fairly simplistic designs.

However, you throw some abstract art into the mix and you are able to create something beautiful and unique. Not to mention, you can create something very artificial looking out of two wholly natural concepts.

Black and Grey Sun Abstract Calf Tattoo

Image by @talala_tattoo via Instagram

Now, if you want, you can only have an abstract sun tattoo. Or, you can choose to have a moon in the tattoo as well.

The cool thing about including both the sun and the moon in your abstract tattoo is that you can also add some meaning to the design.

Black and Grey Sun and Star Dust Abstract Elbow Tattoo

Image by @tattoo.stacy via Instagram

This is because the sun and the moon are considered opposites of one another. The sun is associated with masculine elements, while the moon is associated with more feminine energy.

Black and Grey Solar Eclipse Abstract Hand Tattoo

Image by @oitattooer via Instagram

However, although these two elements may appear to be opposing forces, they also balance out one another. So, featuring them in a single tattoo can be a way to acknowledge both sides of you or to appreciate that two forces have to be combined in a symbiotic way.

Black Sun and Moon Abstract Neck Tattoo

Image by @annmoll_bharti_baid via Instagram

Black Sun and Moon Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @hakesa.tattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Sun Abstract Chest Tattoo

Image by @elquetedije_porsiacaso via Instagram

Black Sun and Moon Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @petra_bol.ttt via Instagram

Colorful Sun Abstract Wrist Tattoo

Image by @victorkaiser.tt via Instagram

Purple Sun with Star Dust Abstract Chest Tattoo

Image by @mcmpittw via Instagram

Tribal Abstract Tattoos

The first thing that I want to mention here is that this category is not referring to traditional tribal tattoos. Traditional tattoos are based on designs that are found in indigenous cultures such as Maori and Polynesian.

Black Polynesian Tribal Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @tattooist_jeon via Instagram

Abstract tribal designs, however, are a newer creation. They became quite popular in the 2000s. These are curved, spiky tattoos that don't follow any particular pattern. Due to this, they are in line with the abstract concept.

Black and Grey Neo Tribal Abstract Knee Tattoo

Image by @uomo.doro via Instagram

Black Maori Tribal Abstract Chest and Arm Tattoo

Image by @bodyarts_blr via Instagram

Black Heart Tribal Abstract Elbow Tattoo

Image by @kid__argos via Instagram

Black Symmetrical Tribal Abstract Spine Tattoo

Image by @danielestrada.ink via Instagram

Grey Shaded Tribal Abstract Elbow Tattoo

Image by @uomo.doro via Instagram

Tribal Abstract Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @carolineraer via Instagram

Miscellaneous Abstract Tattoos

If you are looking for unique abstract tattoo ideas, then this is the category for you. This is because there is nothing to really define such abstract tattoos.

Colorful Arrows and Waves Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @nk_lyon via Instagram

These tattoos are as random and as haphazard as it gets. They can't really be defined as shapes, they are of all different colors, and they don't follow a pattern.

Colorful Oval Shapes Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @plakplaatjes via Instagram

This can be a great tattoo to get if you, as a person, are hard to define too. If you are someone who is laidback goes with the flow, and is constantly changing direction, then such tattoos can be a good representation of who you are as a person.

Colorful Oval Shapes Abstract Inner Biceps Tattoo

Image by @emmagracetattoo via Instagram

Colorful Shapes Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @okurdetatu via Instagram

Colorful Abstract Arm Tattoo

Image by @le.francois.vimana via Instagram

Colorful Abstract Thigh Tattoo

Image by @imaninjatattoo via Instagram

Colorful Floral Abstract Biceps Tattoo

Image by @02percentof02 via Instagram

Colorful Dot and Lines Abstract Forearm Tattoo

Image by @emwitattoo via Instagram

What is the Meaning of an Abstract Tattoo?

Well, there isn't necessarily a meaning behind an abstract tattoo. This is because many abstract tattoos are created to be works of art, often separate from the meanings that we typically attach to objects.

That being said, there is no reason that your abstract tattoo can't have meaning attached to it. It all depends on the design that you choose and even the style. You can depict a great deal with these two elements.

For instance, a tightly formed design can indicate control while a looser concept can represent freedom. You should also keep in mind that color can add meaning to the design as well.

Well, there you have it - the top abstract tattoos for men and women all in one place! With so many styles and options to choose from, you are spoilt for choice. All you need to do is to determine which of these designs are a good fit for you.

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