From black ink designs to traditional art style, there are plenty of cardinal tattoos for you to select from!
I only really became familiar with cardinals after becoming a tattoo artist. I had many clients coming in with requests for cardinal tattoos to symbolize the people that they had lost. I got to hear their stories about the many meanings behind this beautiful bird.
In this post, I will show you the top cardinal tattoo ideas and show you the different ways you can customize the designs!
Here are the top cardinal tattoo concepts for you to choose from:
Despite the bright colors that make up a cardinal bird, black ink cardinal tattoo designs are still a popular idea.
This could be because you don't want a colorful cardinal tattoo. Or, maybe, you want a slightly simpler cardinal tattoo and a black and grey design is the way to go. In any case, a black ink cardinal tattoo still makes for a beautiful design.
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If you want, you can simply get an outline for your cardinal bird tattoo. This works if you want a cardinal tattoo that is on the more minimalistic side.
However, just because you want a black ink cardinal tattoo doesn't necessarily mean that you want a simple cardinal bird tattoo.
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Image by @patchoulighoulie via Instagram
If you would like to add complexity and detail to your black cardinal tattoo, then you can add dimension with shading.
Here are the cardinal tattoo concepts that are sure to give you ideas:
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Image by @cjohnsontattoos via Instagram
Image by @poisyn_ivyy via Instagram
Image by @homepunk23 via Instagram
Of course, it would stand to reason that you want a more colorful cardinal tattoo. After all, the cardinal bird is known for the color red.
Not to mention, bright colors can be a way to add cheerfulness and warmth to your cardinal tattoo. And, if you want a more realistic cardinal tattoo, then it is a good idea to ask your tattoo artist add varying shades of red into the mix.
Check out these beautiful cardinal tattoo concepts for such an idea:
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Image by @chamarro_tattoo via Instagram
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Image by @hailmarytattooer via Instagram
Image by @geekinktattoo via Instagram
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Image by @misseleniious via Instagram
Image by @lunchbox_ink via Instagram
Image by @marklazio via Instagram
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Image by @craneco_tattoo via Instagram
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Image by @honeyandvinegartattoos via Instagram
Image by @zach_crisp via Instagram
Image by @annamarietattoos via Instagram
Image by @mateobradleytattoos via Instagram
Of course, while a traditional red cardinal tattoo can be a beautiful design, you don't just have to stick to these designs. If you want to switch things up, why not consider watercolor cardinal tattoos.
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Image by @acetattoo12 via Instagram
Image by @william.j.boyd via Instagram
In general, you don't have to only choose the bird ink ideas that the majority of people do. If you want to do something different with your cardinal tattoo or you want to try a creative idea, you should go for it.
After all, it is your cardinal tattoo and you should be free to do whatever you want with it!
As you can imagine, cardinals are a big part of nature. In fact, they are a favorite of many a bird watcher. Their bright plumage and their song make them a delight to see out and about.
Due to this, you may want to get a cardinal tattoo of a cardinal perched on a tree or a tree branch. Alternatively, you can also get a cardinal tattoo where the cardinal bird is surrounded by flowers.
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This can be a great cardinal tattoo idea if you want to add a general sense of peace to your design.
Also, such a cardinal tattoo can also be quite meaningful. This is because each flower has its own symbolism. So, you can choose a flower - or flowers - that correlate to the desired meaning of your cardinal tattoo.
Another thing that you can try with your cardinal tattoo is to include the birth flowers of your loved ones in your cardinal tattoo. This way, you can carry them with you wherever you go.
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One concept that you may want to talk with your tattoo artist about is to only have the cardinal in your cardinal tattoo done up in red. The rest of the elements of the cardinal tattoo such as the leaves and the tree branches can be in black and grey.
This is a wonderful idea if you want the cardinal bird to be the center of attention in your cardinal tattoo. Here are some stunning cardinal tattoo designs that do this well:
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Most of the cardinal tattoos that you will see involve cardinals sitting on tree branches or other foliage.
If you would like a different kind of cardinal tattoo, though, you should consider getting a cardinal tattoo where the bird is in flight.
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Believe it or not, this kind of cardinal tattoo can actually be rather meaningful.
See, many cultures believe that the cardinal bird is associated with good news. Therefore, getting a cardinal tattoo with the bird flying could symbolize that you are always ready for good news.
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Image by @jingstattoo via Instagram
This kind of cardinal tattoo could also be a reminder that good news is around the corner, even when times feel tough.
Here are some beautiful cardinal tattoo designs that can give you a better idea of what to get:
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Image by @lux.tattoos via Instagram
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Image by @ericbtattoos via Instagram
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Image by @jpagnam_art via Instagram
Many communities, including Native American ones associate cardinals with the souls of departed loved ones.
Some people believe that when you see a cardinal bird that it is a symbol of a soul being carried into the afterlife. There are others that believe that the cardinal bird is a sign of loved ones who have passed away coming back to get a glimpse of you.
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Image by @tattoosinthesky via Instagram
In any case, a cardinal tattoo makes for the perfect memorial design.
There are a few different ways that you can design a memorial cardinal tattoo.
If you want a more traditional approach, then you can get a cardinal tattoo holding a banner with the person's name on it. In other cases, you can also include the date in your cardinal tattoo.
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Here are some of the cardinal tattoo designs that may inspire your own cardinal tattoo!
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Image by @whitmores_ink via Instagram
Check out this unique cardinal tattoo. Here, the cardinal is symbolism for the person that has passed on. The fishing rod is a symbol of the person's hobbies.
Image by @vintagekarmatattoos via Instagram
This is a concept that you should definitely consider for your own memorial cardinal tattoo. It is a great way to customize your cardinal tattoo so it reflects the person that you are commemorating.
Cardinals are also associated with romance. This is because the male cardinal bird has to do quite a bit of wooing.
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So, if you are someone who loves the idea of romance, then a cardinal bird tattoo is definitely the right move for you. However, instead of getting just one cardinal bird tattoo, you should get two birds in your cardinal tattoo.
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Image by @andy.tattooing via Instagram
Naturally, this cardinal tattoo doesn't just work if you are someone who loves romantic gestures. Such a cardinal tattoo also works well if you have a partner who you love and care for.
In fact, if you want, you can get matching cardinal tattoos to announce your love for one another.
Here are some of the cardinal tattoo designs you should check out:
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Image by @gamble.tattoos via Instagram
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Image by @olive_ink_tattoo via Instagram
Image by @ericschultztattoos via Instagram
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Image by @beccabedazzles via Instagram
Image by @jessreeftattoos via Instagram
Image by @dotsheridan_tattoos via Instagram
Image by @abii_tattoo via Instagram
This kind of cardinal tattoo refers to a tattooing style. As you are probably aware, with this style, your cardinal tattoo will include thick black lines and bold colors.
Also, such a cardinal tattoo works well if you want a more classic-looking tattoo. All the elements of a traditional cardinal tattoo work together to give it a vintage look.
Here are some stunning cardinal tattoos for you to choose from:
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Image by @mattalexandertattoo via Instagram
Image by @loganisaacson via Instagram
Image by @dakotaherman via Instagram
Image by @ryanxmcd via Instagram
Image by @ericjohntattoos via Instagram
Image by @aldoxrodriguez via Instagram
Image by @tattoocorey via Instagram
Image by @matthewlimberstattoo via Instagram
Image by @skull_and_snake via Instagram
Image by @jordanallentattoo via Instagram
Image by @alexduquettetattoos via Instagram
Image by @sarahcarrtattoos via Instagram
Image by @stevefawleytattoos via Instagram
Image by @ironagestudios via Instagram
Image by @richardbrumbaugh via Instagram
Image by @skull_and_snake via Instagram
Image by @northstreetsalem via Instagram
Before you go ahead and get a cardinal tattoo, you are likely wondering:
What does a cardinal represent? And, what will my cardinal tattoo mean?
Cardinals are incredibly popular birds in North America. Due to this, the cardinal - and the cardinal tattoo - has quite a bit of significance.
Let's begin with the Native American beliefs.
The cardinal - and cardinal tattoo - is associated with weather and many people believe that the cardinal is a sign that rain is coming soon. This means good news for the crops and the community in general.
As a result, your cardinal tattoo could be a symbol of good luck. Your cardinal tattoo can remind you that good things are around the corner and that, sometimes, it is simply a matter of waiting.
In Native American culture, people believe that cardinals carry the souls of the dead. There are also other communities that believe that the cardinals - and a cardinal tattoo - are a symbol of loved ones that have passed away.
Keeping this in mind, your cardinal tattoo can be a memorial tattoo for someone that you have lost. As cardinals can also be a symbol of the afterlife, a cardinal tattoo can be a good reminder that your loved one is in a better place.
In fact, there is a saying that you may have heard:
“Cardinals appear when angels are near”
This is because some people believe that cardinals are sent from loved ones who have passed away. And, so, a cardinal tattoo is meant to remind you that your loved ones aren't truly gone, that they are thinking of you, and that it is okay for you to move on with your life.
Cardinals are one of the few birds that can be seen during the winter. And, they are even more noticeable thanks to their beautiful plumage.
Seeing a cardinal in the wintertime can actually be a rather positive thing. It helps to remind you that spring is around the corner.
So, if you are going through a rough time, getting a cardinal tattoo can be a way for you to remind yourself that brighter times are ahead.
A cardinal tattoo can also encourage you to look beyond your current situation and to look for the positives in bad or poor circumstances.
A cardinal represents passion and romance as well. This is because during the courting season, the male cardinal brings food to the female cardinal. The male cardinal is also known to serenade the female cardinal.
Because of this, your cardinal tattoo can be a depiction of romance.
Interestingly enough, your cardinal tattoo can be a symbol of realistic love rather than simply of enduring love.
This is because while the male cardinal does make a considerable effort to woo the female cardinal and they can be considered monogamous birds, cardinals don't always mate for life.
The birds can often be together for one or more breeding seasons, working together to raise their baby birds. However, some pairs may part ways and look for other mates.
So, if you have a more realistic view of the world, then a cardinal tattoo can help to represent this.
These are all the cardinal tattoos that you need to know about! With so many cardinal tattoo designs for you to choose from, you shouldn't have any problem trying to figure out which cardinal bird tattoo is right for you!