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70+ Cover Up Tattoo Ideas for Names

by Sherri Owens

From flowers to dragons, there are plenty of cover up tattoos that you can choose to shut out the thought of your ex-partner.

I have been a tattoo artist for many years now and I still have to do cover up jobs for name tattoos on a regular basis. From those that got away to jilted spouses, I have had to cover them all! On the upside, it does mean that I have plenty of ideas on how you can conceal that eyesore of yours.

In this post, I will show you the top cover up tattoo ideas for names and give you some explanation on why they may be right for you!

The Best Cover Up Ideas for Name Tattoos

There are a variety of tattoo cover up ideas for you to choose from. Here are your top options:

Flower Tattoos

I really like flowers as a concept for a name cover up tattoo. Flowers are beautiful and are perfect for hiding an ugly name tattoo. There is nothing like a few roses to help you feel a new, fierce version of yourself.

Rose Tattoo Cover Up on Foot Over A Name

Image by @taykokotattoos via Instagram

Also, blossoming flowers are symbols of new beginnings and this is precisely what you need after getting your old body art painted over with a new cover up design.

To add to this, flowers are used to celebrate momentous occasions. Since you have left a relationship that was not good for you, you need to celebrate your new circumstances with a floral tattoo cover up.

Tiny Florals Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @mdgalaxyink via Instagram

While roses are the most popular option for tattoo cover ups, I recommend broadening your horizons a bit. See, each flower has its own meaning. Due to this, it is a good idea to do some research to figure out which flower and meaning corresponds to the new you!

This can make your new tattoo design even more meaningful.

Dolphin to Blue Rose Cover up Tattoo

Image by @valoniatattoos via Instagram

Black and Grey Name Cover up Hand Tattoo

Image by @haydens_gallery via Instagram

Sunflower Cover up Forearm Tattoo

Image by @cover_up_series via Instagram

As an added bonus, as flower cover ups tend to be heavily pigmented, they are great for hiding black ink tattoos.

Rose and Scorpion Neck Tattoo

Image by @amynguyenart via Instagram

Flowers, Moon, and Star Forearm Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @anustudioz via Instagram

Black and Grey Floral Shoulder Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @westphilly_mek via Instagram

Insect Tattoos

Now, I know what you are thinking - why on earth would you want to get a bug as a cover up for a name tattoo?

Well, to start with there are so many beautiful and majestic insects that work really well as cover up tattoos. This includes the dragonfly, butterfly, bee, and more.

What's more, each of these insects has meaning. So, if you want to make your tattoo cover up extra special, these are some cover ups that you should consider.

Dragonfly Cover Up Tattoo

Let's start with the dragonfly. Did you know that dragonflies are symbols of change, adaptability, and self-realization? They are also linked to an evolved emotional maturation.

Dragonfly Cover Up Back Tattoo

Image by @sharonfoxmart via Instagram

As you can imagine, this is a pretty great tattoo cover up to get if you have learned from your breakup and become a better person.

Butterfly Cover Up Tattoos

I really can't think of a better way to cover up name tattoos than with a butterfly tattoo. After all, butterflies are all about transformation. They start off as caterpillars and then turn into beautiful creatures.

Florals and Butterfly Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @amynguyenart via Instagram

What a lot of people don't know about butterflies is that they have to struggle to get out of their cocoons. In doing so, they actually strengthen their wings and are able to fly further as a result.

Black and Pink Butterfly Wrist Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @8balltattoo via Instagram

Now, if you are looking for a good tattoo cover for a dumb tattoo, remember that there are so many different butterflies. From monarch butterflies to the red admiral, you are spoiled for choice, especially if you like colorful tattoos.

So, make sure that you know exactly what your options for this kind of tattoo design are.

Blue Butterfly and Colorful Florals Back Tattoo

Image by @wild_minx_tattoo via Instagram

Scorpion Tattoo

You may be looking for something more deadly and dangerous when choosing a name cover up tattoo. In this case, the scorpion is an excellent choice for you and also makes for a beautiful tattoo.

If you don't mind being a little petty, it is a good way to remind you how toxic your ex was too!

Scorpion Name Cover Up Chest Tattoo

Image by @vudoo_tattoo via Instagram

Feather Tattoos

You will notice that a lot of crafty tattoo artists will hide a previous tattoo behind a feather tattoo. I have to say that this is a great choice.

Naturally, feathers are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, so they make for a stunning option for covering up name tattoos.

Black and Grey Feather and Birds Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @amynguyenart via Instagram

Feather Eyes Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @candy_tattoo_studio via Instagram

However, I also like what feathers stand for - they are lightweight and able to float away. Since you are getting rid of an ex name tattoo, there is a good chance that this is how you are feeling as well.

So, this cover up tattoo could be just what you need!

Feather with Twin Flying Birds Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @rahul_art_tattoo via Instagram

Greyish Feather Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @ds_darkarts via Instagram

Simple Peacock Feather Name Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @tattooartist_nashik via Instagram

Feather Wind Chime Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @the_vision_ink via Instagram

Flowers and Feather Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @akshay.raskar9 via Instagram

If you want, you can simply have the feather covering up the name tattoo. Or, you could also choose to add other elements such as birds or trees - any concepts that will fit in with your new ink.

Bird Tattoos

A bird cover up tattoo is pretty similar to that of a feather. If so, this kind of tattoo cover up may also be a symbol of freedom.

Now that you are no longer weighed down, you are free to spread your wings and fly. So, if you are all about setting off on a new journey or trying new things, this is the perfect way to cover up name tattoos.

Bold Black Eagle Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @sinha_tattooz via Instagram

Patterned Eagle Cover Up Back Tattoo

Image by @merakitattooz via Instagram

Tiny Bold Ink Bird Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @maa_tattoo_studio_indore via Instagram

Before you settle on a bird, be mindful of the fact that each bird has its own meaning. For instance, eagles are all about bravery while sparrows can be symbols of new beginnings.

So, make sure to do your research and discover which bird will be the best option for your tattoo cover up.

Black and Grey Bird Cover Up Chest Tattoo

Image by @kirantattooartist via Instagram

Black Bird Chest Tattoo

Image by @cheran_crush via Instagram

Name Cover Up Eagle Wrist Tattoo

Image by @praveen_eega via Instagram

Grey Eagle Name Cover Up Wrist Tattoo

Image by @darshit_chavda_tattooist via Instagram

Eagle and Compass Back Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @21tattoostudio via Instagram

Animal Tattoos

Animal cover up tattoos are some of the best to help you cover up a name tattoo.

Animals represent a sense of freedom and wildness. This is exactly what you may want when you're erasing an existing tattoo from your body.

I also like how an animal cover up tattoo can make you feel strong, powerful, and brave. If you are still in a vulnerable place when covering up your name tattoo, these animals can help you to feel tough and in control.

When choosing animals for covering up name tattoos, think about which animal you most relate to.

Are you someone who is described as sleek and graceful? Then a big cat cover up tattoo could be just what you need.

Tiger Face Name Cover Up Hand Tattoo

Image by @tattoosradiant via Instagram

Blue Eyed Tiger Cover Up Thigh Tattoo

Image by @prettyininkbakersfield via Instagram

Panther Cover Up Leg Tattoo

Image by @joelriostattoos via Instagram

Lion Face Cover Up Chest Tattoo

Image by @heartsandspadesstudio via Instagram

Half Lion Face Cover Up Forearm Tattoo

Image by @ekka_ink_tattoo_art via Instagram

On the other hand, if you see yourself as a warrior, a leader of the pack, or someone who looks out for the ones you love, a wolf tattoo idea may be the better option for covering up name tattoos.

Howling Wolf and Flower Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @umbuttanztattoostudio via Instagram

Wolf Head Forearm Tattoo

Image by @3rdeye_tattoos_surat via Instagram

A snake is also a powerful, sensual, and beautiful tattoo idea.

Grey Snake and Red Flower Hand Tattoo

Image by @cactusmomtattoos via Instagram

Black and Orange Snake Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @vanisorr via Instagram

Fish Tattoos

Yes, I know asking your tattoo artist for a fish to cover up a name tattoo can seem weird but hear me out.

For one thing, there are certain fish like the koi which are symbols of strength and good luck. So, this can be just the kind of inspiration you need to cover up an old tattoo.

Fish and Knife Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @mavericks_tattooparlour via Instagram

Colorful Koi Fish Shoulder Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @749socialclub via Instagram

You can also get fish tattoos if you love fishing. If you find this a quiet, calming, and relaxing pastime, this could be just the thing you need to settle your old feelings once and for all.

Red Fish Name Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @tattoo_nila via Instagram

Shark on Waves Chest Tattoo

Image by @thesteelpaintbrush via Instagram

Skull Tattoos

You can blame my petty side but I think getting a skull tattoo to hide a name tattoo is the perfect symbolism.

I mean, what better to say that your past relationship is dead once and for all than getting a skull tattoo?

Greyscale Skull Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @danmurphystattoos via Instagram

Skull with Hat Cover Up Arm Tattoo

Image by @jabones1967 via Instagram

Of course, this isn't the only reason that I like this cover up idea. Ask any tattoo artist and they will tell you that there are so many different ways to get creative with skull tattoos. So, if you want a work of art as a name cover up tattoo, then this is a great way to go.

Skull King Arm Tattoo

Image by @marcosbronxstyletattoos via Instagram

Skull Nun and Clock Tattoo

Image by @inkfamoustx via Instagram

Skull Face Arm Tattoo

Image by @themustache_tattoo via Instagram

Tribal Tattoos

The term tribal tattoo is a pretty broad one - there are so many different types of tribal tattoos - Maori, Polynesian, and even Celtic.

Still, I think that they work really well for covering up name tattoos. For one thing, the design for these cover up tattoos are thick and dark, allowing you to completely cross out the name.

For another thing, tribal tattoos are linked with strength, bravery, and community. You are going to need to draw on those feelings if you are covering up an existing name tattoo.

Grey Celtic Wrist Band Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @ via Instagram

Black, Red and Green Tribe Forearm Tattoo

Image by @darkstartat2 via Instagram

Polynesian Tribe Forearm Tattoo

Image by @taihu.tattoo via Instagram

Just keep in mind that these tattoos can be a bit tricky to master so make sure that you are working with tattoo artists who have some experience in this area. Or, you can go for a modified tribal design instead.

Landscape Tattoos

This is a newer concept for covering up name tattoos. Here, you get a landscape - any kind that you like over the old tattoo.

Most of these tattoo ideas feature really calming scenery like mountains, streams, rivers, etc. Due to this, it can be a very positive way to cover up an ex's name tattoo.

It shows that you are moving on but are doing so in a calm and dignified way.

Mountain Chest Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @inkloretattoos2021 via Instagram

Nature Scene Wrist Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @sandy__tattoo via Instagram

Sunset Cover Up Collarbone Tattoo

Image by @tattoosbykliena via Instagram

Creepy Castle Wrist Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @kdctattoostudio_ldh via Instagram

Howling Fox and Forest Wrist Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @meet_tattooz via Instagram

Nature Landscape Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @akshay.raskar9 via Instagram

If you want a smaller tattoo for covering up name tattoos, consider a geometric boundary for your design. This will help to make your ink feel more contained and structured.

Ship Tattoos

I think this is a really interesting cover up idea to consider, certainly an unusual one. This kind of cover up for an ex name tattoo is a great way to say that you are sailing on.

Also, if you get your ship or boat tattoo done on calm waters, it is your way of symbolizing that your life is now more balanced without a toxic presence.

Black and Grey Ship Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @rohitattoos via Instagram

Spiritual Tattoos

As anyone will tell you, it doesn't really help to hold onto the negative feelings from your previous relationship. Of course, it can be a little difficult to take this advice if you are trying to get over a relationship where you had your lover's name tattooed on your body.

Lord Shiva with Trishul Forearm Tattoo

Image by @1920tattoozhub via Instagram

Lord Buddha Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @ema_lazza_tattoo via Instagram

To help you move on, focus on more positive things, and become a better person, you may want to consider getting a spiritual cover up tattoo.

This kind of new tattoo can be a great way to remind yourself to look to a higher power or practice routines that can get you to a better place in your life.

Greyscale Lord Shiva Forearm Tattoo

Image by @tattoosradiant via Instagram

Now, as you have noticed, I have used the term spiritual tattoo - the reason I did this was because each person has their own version of spirituality.

For some, it is about believing in a God and adhering to your religion. For others, it can simply be about exploring elements beyond the physical world.

In any case, here are the cover up tattoos that you can use to hide your old name tattoos:

Black Cross with Decorative Design Tattoo

Image by @slimink667 via Instagram

Bold Black Inked Lord Buddha Back Tattoo

Image by @rahul_tattooist via Instagram

Mudra Hand Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @buddha_ink_tattoo via Instagram

Angel Tattoos

Angel tattoos can fall into a similar category as spiritual tattoos but I feel like they are a bit different.

If you get an angel cover up tattoo or angel wings, then you are likely looking for guardianship. You may want to protect your heart from the pain that you have been exposed to.

The angel or angel wing tattoo is symbolic of closing the door on your past relationships so that you can look to the future and discover what is waiting for you there.

Blue Wings Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @blackowltattoos.muscat via Instagram

Grey Angel Wings Forearm Tattoo

Image by @aztattoozz via Instagram

Black and Grey Small Wings Tattoo

Image by @tribalinktattoos via Instagram

Dark Grey Feather Wings Tattoo

Image by @ekka_ink_tattoo_art via Instagram

Greyish Wings Hand Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @tattooist_mahesh via Instagram

Black and Grey Wings Forearm Tattoo

Image by @kalakartattooz via Instagram

Angel with Wings Name Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @tattoo.sutra via Instagram

Grey and White Wings Tattoo

Image by @akshay.raskar9 via Instagram

Mother and Son with Wings Cover Up Tattoo

Image by @g17tattoos via Instagram

Dragon Tattoos

If you are looking for badass name cover up tattoo ideas, what better design to choose than a dragon? Dragons are fierce, and smart, and can burn anything that stands in your path.

By getting a dragon over a name, you are essentially stomping out that person's place in your life.

This mythical figure can also help you feel protected and may help you to gain more confidence in yourself.

Bold Black Ink Dragon Chest Tattoo

Image by @zero3_tattoo_studio via Instagram

Can a Name Tattoo Be Covered Up?

Yes, you can completely hide a name tattoo - it is usually the cheaper alternative to laser removal.

In case you are wondering:

What kinds of tattoos are hard to cover up?

Name tattoos are some of the easier options. Of course, small tattoos with lighter colors are the simplest to tattoo over, but talented artists can make virtually any name tattoo disappear.

Tattoo shops around the world are constantly dealing with cover up tattoos. The good news is that this does mean there are more name cover up tattoo ideas. So, if you want to cover up your original tattoo with fresh ink, you're going to love all the options available!

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