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60+ Outline Tattoo Ideas To Help You Find the Perfect Sketch For You!

by Sherri Owens

These outline tattoos that I have collected for you will show just how much you can do with this design concept! From celestial bodies to creative ideas, there is so much for you to choose from.

I like doing outline tattoos. This is because outline tattoos allow you to use simplistic elements to create complex and beautiful designs. So, it is always fun to get a client who wants this kind of design.

In addition to introducing you to the top outline tattoo ideas, I will also give you some advice on how to make an outline tattoo unique to you!

The Best Outline Tattoo Ideas

Here are the top outline tattoo designs for you to consider for yourself:

Sun Outline Tattoos

If you are looking for sun outline tattoo ideas, then you are in luck. This is because there are so many different ways that tattoo lovers can make this kind of outline tattoo design work for them.

32 Straight Lines Geometrical Sun Tattoo

Image by @amandahess.ink via Instagram

The simplest option for such outline tattoos is to draw a circle and then have rays extending out from the circle. There are several different options for drawing rays for these outline tattoos. You can simply draw straight lines for your outline tattoo or you can have waves coming out of your outline tattoo.

Simple Line Sun Tattoo

Image by @byehelenatattoo via Instagram

My personal favorite for such outline tattoos is to have the extending lines of your outline tattoo create the circle for the sun. Not only does this help to create a more unique tattoo outline design, but it also helps to keep your outline tattoo nice, clean, and crisp.

Curvy Lines Sun Tattoo

Image by @bastian_fineline via Instagram

In case you are looking to add personality to such outline tattoos then you may want to consider adding in facial features. Eyes, a nose, and a simple mouth will do for your sun outline tattoo design.

Sun Ornamental Arm Tattoo

Image by @katerinanireta via Instagram

Now, despite many of the sun outline tattoos being quite simple, this doesn't mean that your outline tattoo has to be boring by any stretch of the imagination. Take the above outline tattoo, for instance. It has been made to look like the setting sun simply with a few well-placed lines!

Moon Outline Tattoos

If you are looking for something a little softer or are more of a night owl, then moon outline tattoo ideas may be the better option for you. In case you want to keep your lunar outline tattoo as simple as possible, then it is a matter of drawing a crescent moon outline tattoo design.

Mini Moon Bracelet Tattoo

Image by @undergroundtattoos via Instagram

In case you prefer more complex lunar outline tattoos, then you may want to think about adding some other details, such as facial features. Or, you can add ornamental elements to your moon outline tattoo.

Half Moon Fine Line Tattoo

Image by @aybar.rabya via Instagram

Now, the thing that you will notice about lunar outline tattoos is that they often include the sun as well. In the case of some of these outline tattoos, this is done for aesthetic reasons. With other outline tattoos, though, it is done due to the relationship between the sun and the moon.

Fine Line Half Moon Arm Tattoo

Image by @lelelines via Instagram

See, for some people, sun and moon tattoos can represent balance. This is because you can't have a night without a day and vice versa. Furthermore, sun outline tattoos tend to represent the masculine whereas moon outline tattoos represent the feminine.

Custom Ornamental Tattoo to Represent the Sun and Moon

Image by @luciatattoos via Instagram

So, with such outline tattoos, you can show a balance between masculinity and femininity within yourself. Once again, for these outline tattoo designs, you can add ornamental or decorative elements to take your outline tattoo ideas to the next level.

Sun and Moon Combination Tattoo

Image by @perpetua.tattoo via Instagram

Star Outline Tattoos

If you are someone who is on the lookout for ultra-simplistic outline tattoos, then you should consider star outline tattoo ideas as an option for you.

Single Star Fine Line Tattoo

Image by @yuri_tattoo07 via Instagram

Once again, you can go with something very simple with your star outline tattoo designs. This means going with the five-pointed star outline tattoos. It is up to you to decide how neat you want your outline tattoos to be. So, you can choose a star outline tattoo design that is completely symmetrical or you can do something a little messier.

Bold Line Single Star Tattoo

Image by @flip.tt via Instagram

Another cute outline tattoo design to consider is to get inked with the kind of stars that you would draw in school or that your teachers would mark your paper with. To make these outline tattoo ideas look even cuter, you can consider getting several outline tattoos, with each star tattoo outline in a different color.

Colored Triple Stars Wrist Tattoo

Image by @tattooist_dal via Instagram

In case you would prefer a more minimalistic and ordered outline tattoo design, then you can simply use long and short lines to create cosmic outline tattoo ideas. You can change the length of the lines for each of the outline tattoo designs so that you can create small and large stars.

Bunch of Stars Line Tattoo

Image by @eni_ink_tattooz via Instagram

Sparkling Triple Star Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @timi_inlayerink and inlayerink via Instagram

Floral Outline Tattoos

If you are someone who loves a flower tattoo design, then I have some great news for you. There are plenty of floral outline tattoo designs that you can check out to come up with your outline tattoo design.

Three Tiny Flowers Leg Tattoo

Image by @majola.tattoo via Instagram

If you want, your outline tattoo design can consist of just one flower. Such outline tattoos are a great option if you are hoping for a smaller outline tattoo. Your tattoo outline can consist of just the petals or you can include a stem and even a leaf in the outline tattoo design.

In case you prefer larger or more complex floral outline tattoos, then you can use multiple flowers in your outline tattoo design.

Flower Bouquet Leg Tattoo

Image by @silent__wulf via Instagram

For floral outline tattoo ideas, you may notice that the most common flowers used are roses or carnations. However, you are free to use whatever kind of flower you want for your outline tattoo design.

Curvy Lines Single Rose Tattoo

Image by @brotherstattoosikkim via Instagram

Now, when selecting a particular flower for such outline tattoos, I do want to remind you that each kind of flower has its unique meaning. So, if you want your outline tattoo design to be significant as well as beautiful, then you should choose your flowers carefully.

Cherry Blossom Line Tattoo

Image by @nixit.tattoo via Instagram

Another thing to keep in mind with floral outline tattoos is that you want the species of the flower to be obvious, you will need to add more details to your outline tattoo design.

Tiny Rose Outline Tattoo

Image by @evilcko via Instagram

Butterfly Outline Tattoos

A butterfly outline tattoo design is the perfect concept for beautiful and meaningful outline tattoo ideas. As you may be aware, a butterfly can be a symbol of transformation. So, such outline tattoos are a great option if you have recently undergone any kind of changes.

Tiny Two Butterflies Hip Tattoo

Image by @aesthetink.tattoos via Instagram

Want to keep your outline tattoo design minimalistic? Then, it is just a matter of sticking to a tattoo outline that has a small body and then the wings. In case you want to take your outline tattoo design to the next level, then you can include details that add patterns to the wings.

Fusion Tattoo of Butterfly and Ornament

Image by @orma_tattoo via Instagram

Of course, if you are looking for a one-of-a-kind outline tattoo design, then you may want to do something a little different from the traditional black outline tattoos. Instead, opt for a grey outline so that it will make your tattoo outline appear as though it is etched in charcoal.

Butterflies with Heart Bubble Sparkle Tattoo

Image by @tattooer_jina via Instagram

Of course, there are other color options available with such butterfly outline tattoos. So, feel free to choose one or more colors to help your outline tattoo design stand out.

Double Butterflies Line Tattoo

Image by @alina_tattoo via Instagram

Bird Outline Tattoos

What I love about bird outline tattoo ideas is that there are so many varying designs that you can opt for here. For instance, if you are looking for simple outline tattoos, then you can go with a pretty basic outline. This is especially true in the case of birds like doves or pigeons as they are often more recognizable.

Outline Pigeon Thigh Tattoo

Image by @jot.ttt and frenchprisontattoo via Instagram

However, if you think that your only option for outline tattoos is to go with something minimalistic, think again! In reality, you can get realistic-looking bird outline tattoos. It is simply about adding the right kind of detail to your bird outline tattoo.

Simple Line Bird Forearm Tattoo

Image by @boundary.body via Instagram

In fact, with the right details, you can make bird outline tattoos look like illustrations! This is great if you would like to go for a more vintage outline tattoo design.

Lined Open Wings Bird Forearm Tattoo

Image by @inkstationgbg via Instagram

You should also bear in mind that bird outline tattoos can be rather meaningful. This is because, as with flowers, each bird can be a symbol for a unique meaning. So, if you do want to include symbols in your outline tattoo, then you should choose a bird with an appropriate meaning.

Irish Robin Bird Arm Tattoo

Image by @happy.tattoos via Instagram

Snake Outline Tattoos

Did you know that snakes can be symbols of renewal and rebirth? This is because they shed their skin and this is seen as a symbol of transformation as well. Although some Western cultures associate the snake with the devil, some Eastern cultures see these creatures as symbols of good luck.

Simple Line Snake Tattoo

Image by @free_tattooer via Instagram

One of the things that I like about these outline tattoo ideas is that they are rather simple for your tattoo artist to design and ink on you. Despite these, due to the decorative elements used in such outline tattoos, they end up looking stunning and complex.

Patterned Waistline Snake Tattoo

Image by @tattooer_jina via Instagram

The other cool thing about outline tattoos like these is that they can easily be sized up or down. Due to this, it works equally well if you are looking for small or large outline tattoos.

Checked Style Snake Outline Tattoo

Image by @leanneleavestattoo via Instagram

Now, for such outline tattoos, you can choose to either just include the snake in your outline tattoo or to decide on other decorative elements. If you do want to elevate the style of your outline tattoo, then I would suggest adding ornamental elements into the mix.

Curved Tiny Snake Hand Tattoo

Image by @jessiethetattooartist via Instagram

At the same time, celestial elements, especially lunar designs, work well with these kinds of outline tattoos.

Dragon Outline Tattoos

In certain Western cultures, dragons can be considered evil. However, in some Eastern cultures, they symbolize protection. So, a dragon outline tattoo is a great option if you want to add some meaning to your outline tattoo.

Red Dragon Neck Tattoo

Image by @inkkbyrose via Instagram

There is no denying that dragon outline tattoos look majestic and beautiful. Due to their sinuous design, dragon outline tattoos can also be rather sensual. So, if you are all about aesthetics, then you may find that a dragon outline tattoo is the way to go.

Chinese Dragon Arm Tattoo

Image by @tatjana_pasternak and atelier.jiyu via Instagram

As with snake outline tattoos, basic dragon outline tattoos are quite simple. It is only the face of the dragon that can be a little complex. And, once again, by adding a few simple details to your outline tattoo, you can make it look stunning.

Black Line Dragon Neck Tattoo

Image by @yoen_tattoo via Instagram

Another thing that you may want to consider with dragon outline tattoos is to get the dragon inked in a different color. In some countries, red is said to bring good luck and prosperity. So, this is something that you may want to consider for your outline tattoo.

Black Dragon and Red Leaves Tattoo

Image by @adon.ink and chicagoinktattoo via Instagram

Phoenix Outline Tattoos

Like the idea of mythical creatures as outline tattoos? Well, here is another idea for you - phoenix outline tattoos! As you may have heard, the phoenix symbolizes rebirth. So, if you have recently been through tough circumstances but have come out on the other side stronger than ever, these may be the perfect outline tattoos for you.

Phoenix Outline Back Tattoo

Image by @sotirisart via Instagram

One of the cool things about phoenix outline tattoos is that they can be quite minimalistic. As a result, you can choose from small or large phoenix outline tattoos. The other thing that I like about phoenix outline tattoos is that even as an outline tattoo, you can elevate the design by using vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds.

Decorative Lines Phoenix Tattoo

Image by @mikebellamytattoo via Instagram

Just take a look at these phoenix outline tattoos for inspiration!

Phoenix Bird Leg Tattoo

Image by @littleghost_tattoo via Instagram

Detailed Phoenix Bird Back Tattoo

Image by @inkingcali via Instagram

Heart Outline Tattoos

A heart outline tattoo can be such a beautiful sign of love, commitment, or passion. In case you want to keep your heart outline tattoo simple, then you can opt for a heart-shaped symbol. You can also add a few details to such outline tattoos to make your design look a bit more unique.

Mini Red Heart Wrist Tattoo

Image by @tattooist_youngjae and dearyouth_ink via Instagram

Another option would be to use an anatomically accurate design for your heart outline tattoo. Such outline tattoos can be perfect if you want to make a more powerful statement. These outline tattoos also work well for an eye-catching design.

Simple Line Single Red Heart Tattoo

Image by @alina_tattoo via Instagram

Check out these outline tattoos for inspiration:

Flaming Red Heart Tattoo

Image by @manic.art via Instagram

Black Line Anatomical Heart Tattoo

Image by @bitchpokes and buzzclubtattoo via Instagram

Portrait Outline Tattoos

I love outline tattoos like these! This is because these outline tattoos offer you such a beautiful way to capture your sweetest memories.

Siblings Portrait Outline Tattoo

Image by @gosiniec via Instagram

Just turn your favorite photographs into simple yet meaningful outline tattoos so that you can carry your loved ones with you forever.

Father and Son Portrait Outline Tattoo

Image by @righteoustattoostudio via Instagram

These outline tattoos will show you how to make this work:

Family Portrait Outline Tattoo

Image by @paulrapley_tattooer via Instagram

Mother and Son Swinging Portrait Tattoo

Image by @henr.ink_ via Instagram

Animal Outline Tattoos

This is almost identical to the portrait outline tattoos except here, the subjects are animals. Now, technically, you can get any animal that you want. However, it is most common to choose your pets as outline tattoos.

Pit Bull Outline Hip Tattoo

Image by @tattoosby_meg via Instagram

Here are the top animal outline tattoos that you should check out!

Dog Head Outline Tattoo

Image by @sixthcircle_tattoo_lounge via Instagram

Dog Face Outline Arm Tattoo

Image by @lorentattoos via Instagram

Simple Tiny Cat Arm Tattoo

Image by @peony.poke via Instagram

Triple Cat Faces Outline Tattoo

Image by @sop_tattoo via Instagram

Geometric Outline Tattoos

Looking for outline tattoos that are simplistic yet cool and modern? Then you may want to consider outline tattoos consisting of a geometric pattern.

Geometric Outline Forearm Tattoo

Image by @tropicaltattoo_guastalla via Instagram

One of the great things about outline tattoos such as these is that it is really easy to create a pattern that is unique to you. Due to this, you can ensure that your geometric design is unlike any other.

Simple Geometric Shape Outline Tattoo

Image by @aller.ttt via Instagram

These are the outline tattoos that will show you how to make this concept work!

Geometric Line Arm Tattoo

Image by @malwina8 via Instagram

Geometric Figures, Lines Outline Tattoo

Image by @mashatattoo via Instagram

Landscape Outline Tattoos

If you are someone who loves nature or being outdoors, then these landscape outline tattoos should be right up your alley!

Circle Shaped Landscape Tattoo

Image by @chrysantheme.tattoo via Instagram

From mountains and rivers to valleys, there are plenty of concepts that you can consider for yourself!

Power Line Frame Landscape Arm Tattoo

Image by @linseedtattoo via Instagram

Mountains and River Outline Tattoo

Image by @srotoswini_pokes via Instagram

Creative Outline Tattoos

One of my favorite things about outline tattoos is that while they can have simplistic elements to them, you have a lot of freedom to get creative with these outline tattoos.

Rebirth Concept Outline Tattoo

Image by @tatuacuore via Instagram

This includes combining different concepts and elements all the while maintaining the simplicity of the tattoo by steering clear of shading.

Tattoo of a Woman in a Jar with Flowers

Image by @wild.isley.tattoo via Instagram

If these kinds of outline tattoos sound good to you, then these are the outline tattoos that you should be checking out!

Matisse Dance in Rainbow Tattoo

Image by @witaminat via Instagram

The Warrior Tarot Card Tattoo

Image by @dottheglob via Instagram

These are the outline tattoo ideas that you should consider for yourself. As you can see, there are plenty of categories to choose from, making it easier to find the perfect design for you!

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