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Rooster Tattoo Meaning and 40 Designs to Get You Crowing

by Sherri Owens

The rooster tattoo can depict masculinity, sexuality, courage, a new beginning, and much more.

I have to admit, I have only designed a handful of rooster tattoos for clients but this was enough to pique my interest about the rooster tattoo meaning. Digging through various art history books, I realized just how important of a figure the rooster was.

In this post, I am going to show you all the meanings behind the rooster tattoo and take you through some truly great designs as well. Let's get started!

Rooster Tattoo Meaning

Well, the rooster and the rooster tattoo doesn't just have one meaning. As this bird is found all over the world, different cultures have attached their own meanings to it.

Masculinity and Sexuality Behind the Rooster Tattoo

A common rooster tattoo meaning is masculinity and fertility. Hens are often associated with motherhood and femininity. As their counterpart, the rooster and rooster tattoo takes on a more traditionally masculine meaning as a male chicken.

So, if you are in touch with masculine elements 0f yourself - regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, then a rooster tattoo would be quite fitting for you.

Another rooster tattoo meaning is sexuality. A rooster is also known for its sexual prowess. This is because on most farms, they are only one or two roosters for a whole coop of hens. A single rooster can also fertilize several hens at the same time.

If you consider yourself a ladies' man or are quite proud of your ability to produce offspring, then a rooster tattoo is a good way to show it.

The Rooster Tattoo and Association to Bravery

In many cultures, a rooster and the rooster tattoo represent courage. They are known to take care of the chickens and chicks around them and do have a protective instinct. If you possess these admirable qualities, then this rooster tattoo meaning is just right for you.

Rooster tattoos also represent courage because roosters are known for being fighters. This is also why most people choose not to keep other roosters around the main rooster for fear of carnage.

The Rooster Tattoo Meaning Behind New Beginnings

Another common rooster tattoo meaning has to do with new beginnings. After all, roosters crow at dawn to usher in the new day. In rural areas, they are thought of as alarm clocks.

Due to this, the rooster and rooster tattoo are associated with the onset of something new, usually a positive event or journey. This is also why the rooster and rooster tattoo are associated with the solar symbol.

A rooster tattoo depicts waking up as well as the bird is considered an alarm clock. The rooster and rooster tattoo could be a sign for you to wake up to new possibilities, people, and ventures.

In inviting light to different spaces, the rooster is also believed to chase away evil spirits. So, if you are fighting demons or need the light to scare away all of the bad things in your life, a rooster tattoo can be a good reminder of the better times ahead.

The Rooster Tattoo Meaning in Depicting Confidence

Now, one of the more obvious symbolism of a rooster tattoo has to do with confidence. Ever thought of someone as cocky or being called this yourself? Well, this comes from the more colloquial name for the rooster which is a cock.

This is because a rooster tends to strut around and its plumage often makes it quite noticeable. Your rooster tattoo can represent could represent self confidence instead of arrogance.

The Rooster Tattoo Meaning and Links to Asian Cultures

The rooster and tattoo hold a great deal of meaning in Asian cultures as well.

An increasing number of people are taking their Chinese zodiac signs a lot more seriously. As you may be aware, the rooster is the tenth zodiac in the Chinese calendar. Those who are born under this sign are believed to be talkative and ambitious go-getters who are always working their way up.

They also known for being honest and shrewd. If any of these traits apply too you or if you simply wish to display your zodiac, the rooster tattoo is definitely the way to go.

There is also Korean rooster tattoo meanings. Each part of the rooster is said to have a different significance. So, the rooster tattoo indicates different traits such as politeness, military bearing, fighting spirit, benevolence, and reliability.

The Top Rooster Tattoo Ideas

If you are looking for some great rooster tattoo concepts, you will find them here.

Simple Rooster Tattoo Ideas

If you would like a simple rooster tattoo, there are plenty of options to choose from. These tattoo idea concepts can be anything from minimalistic with the rooster standing on one foot to creative and kooky ones.

Check out these cool tattoo ideas with plenty of meaning:

Black Work Rooster Hand Tattoo

Image by @the.blood.vvitch via Instagram

Colorful Rooster Tattoo Piece

Image by @markdjeffrey via Instagram

Colored Rooster Shoulder Tattoo

Image by @leslieyoungism via Instagram

Rooster with Long Curved Tail Feather Leg Tattoo

Image by @nickole.does.tattoos via Instagram

Green Feather Rooster Leg Tattoo

Image by @joelhtattoo via Instagram

Blue Rooster Ankle Tattoo Piece

Image by @saltoftheearthtattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Rooster Tattoo

Image by @silveransalt via Instagram

Tattoo of a Black and Grey Rooster and Red Comb Wattles

Image by @robin.kemper.tattoo via Instagram

Tattoo of a Black and Grey Rooster Standing on a Stone

Image by @joeycreepxide via Instagram

Black and Grey Rooster Face Tattoo

Image by @jasoncrawford127 via Instagram

Japanese Rooster Tattoo Ideas

The rooster is a central symbol in Japanese culture. According to one legend, it was the rooster that tempted the sun goddess out of her cave. In doing so, the animal was able to end a period of perpetual darkness.

This rooster tattoo concept is great if you want your rooster tattoo to be connected to positivity and light. This rooster tattoo also works well if you have recently come through a rough patch and are ready to start living your life again.

This rooster tattoo could also be a great reminder for you to have a more positive outlook on life.

Here are the rooster tattoos to draw inspiration from:

Rooster Leg Sleeve Tattoo Piece

Image by @martynhestertattoo via Instagram

Colorful Rooster Leg Tattoo

Image by @martynhestertattoo via Instagram

Black and Grey Rooster Tattoo Piece

Image by @anto_ghostkoi via Instagram

Japanese Traditional Style Rooster Sleeve Tattoo

Image by @mario.padilla.7771 via Instagram

Fighting Rooster Tattoo Ideas

This kind of rooster tattoo can have more than one meaning. On the one hand, it could symbolize your fighting spirit. Another meaning of this tattoo could be about fighting off or banishing evil spirits or evil elements from your life.

You can get really creative with fighting rooster tattoos. You can also stick to the more typical way of depicting the rooster and its fighting spirit in your rooster tattoo.

Your rooster tattoo could include the rooster launching itself into the air or in a fighting pose. Or, you can have a more humorous take on your rooster tattoo. Perhaps, get inked with a rooster with boxing gloves on.

Here are the tattoos to consider:

Fighting Rooster Thigh Tattoo Piece

Image by @zacktattoos via Instagram

Multicolored Fighting Rooster Tattoo

Image by @michael_adventures via Instagram

Twin Fighting Roosters Thigh Tattoo

Image by @gonzoetattoos via Instagram

Boxing Rooster Tattoo Design

Image by @monchwhosoever via Instagram

Black Line Fighting Rooster Backpiece Tattoo

Image by @larosanegra.tattoos via Instagram

Water colored Fighting Rooster Tattoo

Image by @ladyluck77 via Instagram

Rooster Boxer Tattoo Piece

Image by @82tattoo via Instagram

Traditional Rooster Tattoo Ideas

This is also a cool idea for a rooster tattoo. This tattoo style is all about the classic look and is actually a popular choice for a rooster tattoo.

So, if you want a vintage rooster tattoo, these are the tattoos you should check out for your own ink:

Traditional Rooster Face Arm Tattoo

Image by @caseyxsullivan via Instagram

Rooster, Cactus Plant and Floral Tattoo Piece

Image by @marcelo.baezz via Instagram

Black and Red Traditional Rooster Tattoo

Image by @joshjohnsons4l via Instagram

Brigante Rooster Tattoo Piece

Image by @tylerbecktattoos via Instagram

Black and Grey Stabbed Rooster Tattoo

Image by @tinybabytattoo via Instagram

Vibrant Colors Rooster Head Tattoo

Image by @team_fullgas via Instagram

Traditional Rooster Head Tattoo

Image by @jelly_bones via Instagram

Pig and Rooster Tattoo Ideas

Of all the animals to get tattooed with the rooster, you will have to agree that the pig is a rather odd choice. Not to worry, though, there is a special meaning for this unusual tattoo combo.


What does a pig and rooster tattoo mean?

This is a sailor tattoo - the rooster and pig were often kept in wooden crates when on the ship. So, if the ship sank, these wooden crates would float to the shore.

This rooster tattoo meaning can represent getting through the tough times in your life.

Here are the tattoos that may inspire your own rooster tattoo:

Pig and Rooster Calf Tattoo Piece

Image by @kimi_oet via Instagram

Rooster and Pig Color Tattoo on the Feet

Image by @crimsonarrowtattoo via Instagram

Old School Traditional Blackwork Rooster and Pig Tattoo

Image by @gianpytattoomilano via Instagram

Rooster and Pig Floral Tattoo Piece

Image by @tattoofozzi via Instagram

Rooster and Pig Naval Force Tattoo Piece

Image by @ethan_smt via Instagram

Rooster and Pig Feet Tattoo

Image by @shanetyner via Instagram

Simple Rooster and Pig Ankle Tattoo

Image by @jesscpetportraits via Instagram

Black Rooster and Pig Fighting Tattoo

Image by @elenagarciatattoo via Instagram

Minimal Rooster and Pig Tattoo Design

Image by @jennieg_tattoo via Instagram

Rooster and Snake Tattoo Ideas

There is a very interesting tattoo meaning behind this design. As you may have seen from explanations of the rooster tattoo, the rooster is a symbol of positivity, a force for good.

The snake, on the other hand, is still considered a force for evil in many parts of the world. So, a tattoo depicting a snake and a rooster fighting is a sign of the battle between good and evil.

Here are some tattoo ideas to consider:

Snake and Rooster Fight Tattoo Piece

Image by @museartatx via Instagram

Snake and Rooster Black Tattoo Backpiece

Image by @markdiehl via Instagram

Blue and Pink Rooster and Snake Forearm Tattoo

Image by @sidespaceparlour via Instagram

There you go - the rooster tattoo meaning in all its different forms. Since it's such a significant tattoo to get, you now know what this tattoo meaning is all about. What's left to do is to find the right tattoo design.

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