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110 Sternum Tattoo Ideas to Ink Above Your Heart

by Sherri Owens

People are getting increasingly creative with their sternum tattoos. Due to this, you have your pick to choose from - all the way from lotus flowers to mythical figures.

As a tattoo artist, there is no denying that the sternum is a tricky area to work your tattoo needle around. Despite this, it's one of my favorite places to ink. There is so much power, strength, creativity, and secrecy associated with a tattoo like this.

In this post, I will show you the various sternum tattoo ideas you can borrow from. I have also included the significance of many of these tattoos.

Best Sternum Tattoo Ideas

Here are the top sternum tattoo designs that you can consider:

Lotus Flower Sternum Tattoos

The lotus flower tattoo is quite popular in general, but it is especially popular as a sternum tattoo. This is because the elongated and winding design of the lotus flower tattoo makes it perfectly suited to this spot on your body.

The other reason a sternum lotus flower design is fairly common is due to the meaning behind the lotus flower.

The lotus flower is almost always found in dark, murky water. Despite this, it has pristine petals which are often white. As a result, the lotus flower is related to purity and strength.

As the lotus flower is heavily featured in Buddhism, it is a symbol of enlightenment. So, getting a sternum tattoo in the near center of your body can be very meaningful.

This sternum tattoo is an excellent reminder to center yourself and constantly elevate and strive to reach enlightenment.

When choosing a concept for your sternum tattoo, there are plenty of options available. If you want a small tattoo, you go can for a more minimalistic sternum tattoo. These are quite delicate with gentle curves and winding roots.

If you want to step things up a notch with your sternum tattoo, you can add color to the mix. Want something more subtle for your sternum tattoo? Then go with a gentle blush pink. For a more vibrant sternum tattoo, opt for a darker pink or even blue or purple.

There's no need to get a plain sternum tattoo. If you like, you can turn your sternum tattoo into a beautiful decorative piece, with adornments dripping from it.

Here are some sternum tattoos you can consider for your own piece of body art:

Black Line Unalome and Lotus Tattoo

Image by @berkantt.g and pamela_tattoo via Instagram

Ornamental Lotus Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inkbycristina via Instagram

Black Line Pink Lotus Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inked_by_tahlia via Instagram

Unalome Symbol and Lotus Flower Tattoo

Image by @niro_niro via Instagram

Black Ink Unalome and Lotus Tattoo

Image by @alienstattooindia via Instagram

Small Lotus Flower and Unalome Tattoo

Image by @tattoo_thailand via Instagram

Black and Grey Lotus and Leaves Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ascendinglotustattoo via Instagram

Decorative Lotus Flower Sternum Tattoo

Image by @open_mind_tattoo_club via Instagram

Mini Black Line Lotus Flower Tattoo

Image by @bigbrother_tattoostudio via Instagram

Small Unalome and Lotus Sternum Tattoo

Image by @badeggstattoo via Instagram

If you're looking for something different in your sternum tattoo, check this one out. It shows the different stages of the lotus - from blossom to bloom.

Not only does this make for a truly beautiful tattoo, but it is also quite meaningful. This kind of sternum tattoo depicts your growth or development as a person or your consciousness.

Growing Lotus Sternum Tattoo

Image by @playersclubtattoo via Instagram

Rose Sternum Tattoos

Ah, roses are such a classic tattoo design. So, getting a rose sternum tattoo is only natural. The rose is a perfect choice for a sternum chest tattoo.

You can get really creative with the stem of a rose sternum tattoo, adding a lot of interest to this vintage look. I also have to say that it makes for a rather sexy tattoo.

The rose sternum tattoo is such a powerful feminine symbol. It is typically a symbol of beauty, youth, and grace. However, you can add in a few thorns and it will be a great representation for a woman - sure, you are pretty but you have just the right amount of sting to protect yourself.

If you want an unusual sternum tattoo, you can speak with your tattoo artist about getting an upside down rose. Not only does this make for a bold design but it's also a great way to turn the classic symbolism of this flower on its head.

Here are some rose sternum tattoos that you can consider:

Growing Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @angeloop_ink via Instagram

Grey Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @finlayyb via Instagram

Rose Upside Down Sternum Tattoo

Image by @tattoosbycourtney via Instagram

Small Grey Colored Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @psyckoaktive via Instagram

Patterned Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @artbyeneaa via Instagram

Upside Down Realistic Rose Tattoo on Sternum

Image by @jolybengal.tattoos via Instagram

Black and Grey Rose and Shapes Sternum Tattoo

Image by @tattoosbylos via Instagram

Single Grey Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @vidal737 via Instagram

Small Single Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @tattoolutonij via Instagram

Mini Rose with Letters Sternum Tattoo

Image by @stefania.camelia via Instagram

Floral Sternum Tattoos

Roses and lotus flowers may be popular but they may not be your cup of tea. However, you may be interested in getting a flower tattoo. Well, this is not a problem as there are plenty of flower sternum tattoo concepts to choose from.

If you like, you can get a single flower for your flower sternum tattoo. Or, you can get a whole bouquet of flowers. Want to take your flower tattoo to the next level? Why not get a variety of different flowers?

This kind of sternum tattoo can be very meaningful, as each flower has its own symbolism. So, you can select flowers that feel right for your personality or current circumstances.

If you want some inspiration for your sternum tattoo, these designs should do the trick:

Black Line Floral Sternum Tattoo

Image by @neat_tattoo via Instagram

Greyscale Floral Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ginko.ink via Instagram

Flowers and Leaves Sternum Tattoo

Image by @tussilago.t via Instagram

Black and Grey Triple Flowers Sternum Tattoo

Image by @xtremeinktattoowc via Instagram

Floral Chest Tattoo with Ornaments

Image by @beyzatasertattoo via Instagram

Yellow and Grey Upside Down Flower Chest Tattoo

Image by @klemstuff via Instagram

Black and Grey Ornamental Flower Sternum Tattoo

Image by @rachelgros_tattoos via Instagram

Decorative Floral Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @jeremytattoo33 via Instagram

Leaves and Flowers Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @felizestrella_tattoo via Instagram

Floral Wrap Tattoo on the Sternum

Image by @libbythelibberator via Instagram

Tiny Black Line Flower Tattoo on the Sternum

Image by @oanhabram via Instagram

Blue Flowers Bunch Sternum Tattoo

Image by @marloeslupkertattoo via Instagram

Grey Floral Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @jhollidaytattoo via Instagram

Butterfly Sternum Tattoos

Butterflies are another classic tattoo, particularly for women. There are many reasons to get a butterfly tattoo, especially a sternum tattoo. One of these is that the butterfly is a sign of femininity and beauty.

At the same time, a butterfly tattoo is a symbol of strength. The butterfly has to struggle to break free from its chrysalis and becomes stronger as a result of its obstacles. Because the butterfly comes forth from a caterpillar, it's also a sign of transformation.

Considering the powerful symbology behind the butterfly, it only makes sense to get it as a sternum tattoo. This sternum tattoo also works well if you want delicate or small tattoos.

As butterflies are a rather popular trend, you might want to switch things up with your sternum tattoo. Luckily, a couple of professional tattooists have managed to put a new spin on this classic tattoo.

For your sternum tattoo, you can choose a more abstract design. Or, add plenty of decoration surrounding the butterfly so that your sternum tattoo looks quite unusual.

Don't be afraid to depart from the traditionally delicate or pretty concept associated with such tattoos. You can go with a slightly darker route and opt for a slightly gothic or tribal element to your tattoo.

Of course, you don't have to go all out for this kind of sternum tattoo. You can stick to a minimalist theme.

Here are the design options available for sternum tattoos:

Little Butterfly Floral Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @inksmith_tattoocolorado via Instagram

Decorative Butterfly Sternum Tattoo

Image by @palakk_m via Instagram

Black Line Butterfly Tattoo

Image by @fierros_ink via Instagram

Black and Grey Butterfly Sternum Tattoo

Image by @gasp4k via Instagram

Black Shade Butterfly and Moon Sternum Tattoo

Image by @amber_mindovermattertattoo via Instagram

Ornamental Butterfly Sternum Tattoo

Image by @holly_v_l via Instagram

Greyscale Butterfly with Sparks Sternum Tattoo

Image by @mylittleblueforest via Instagram

Butterfly and Leaves Sternum Tattoo

Image by @reverencetattoomelbourne via Instagram

Bold Black and Grey Butterfly Tattoo

Image by @taylor_whitten_tattoos via Instagram

Tiny Butterflies Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inkfairyy via Instagram

Owl Sternum Tattoos

Are you ready for a really out there sternum tattoo idea? If so, consider an owl tattoo. You may have never thought of getting an image of this bird for any tattoo, let alone a sternum tattoo, but it is a pretty great idea.

For one thing, the owl makes for a pretty cool sternum tattoo concept. Not only is it unusual but there are plenty of ways to get creative with this kind of sternum tattoo.

The owl is a pretty significant symbol for your sternum tattoo. As you may be aware, owls are associated with wisdom. The owl is also a symbol of self-actualization, development, and inner change.

So, if you are rethinking who you are as a person or are about to go on a self-reflective journey, this is an excellent sternum tattoo to get.

Oh, and another reason to go with this sternum tattoo - owls are considered to be symbols of good luck! This sternum tattoo can be a nice little talisman to carry around with you, wherever you go.

Here are some of the sternum tattoos that may spawn an idea of your own:

Linework Owl Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @notacooltattoo.carmen via Instagram

Dark Grey Decorative Owl Sternum Tattoo

Image by @barryrobertsontattoos via Instagram

Dotwork Owl Face Sternum Tattoo

Image by @itzocantattoos via Instagram

Owl and Crystal Stone Sternum Tattoo

Image by @blackstartattoostudio via Instagram

Black and Grey Owl Tattoo on Sternum

Image by @wicholopostli_ via Instagram

Greyscale Patterned Owl Sternum Tattoo

Image by @luckybirdtattoo via Instagram

Snake Sternum Tattoos

If you're wondering who wants a snake tattoo, it turns out a lot of people do, and with good reason!

I absolutely love a snake tattoo for a sternum tattoo. The sinuous and curving design of the snake makes it the ideal choice for the space between your breasts.

I also love that snakes are seen in many different ways. Sure, many people are afraid of them and try to keep their distance. At the same time, there is no denying that these creatures are absolutely beautiful, even sensual, and it is difficult to take your eye off one of them.

If you need more reasons as to why you should get a snake as a sternum tattoo, here it is: snakes are symbols of transformation and new beginnings. This is because these creatures have the ability to shed their skin.

So, if you're looking for a change, this is a sternum tattoo that will represent it better.

It's likely that the owl sternum tattoo concept will be bigger or wider. If this is the case, you may want to work with your tattoo artist and figure out a design that sits just under your sternum as well.

Here are some of the sternum tattoos you need to check out:

Neotribal Snake Sternum Tattoo

Image by @saskiapatrice via Instagram

Patterned Snake and Flowers Sternum Tattoo

Image by @sinful.tatts via Instagram

Red Ink Snake Sternum Tattoo

Image by @loudmouthoutlines via Instagram

Tiny Little Black Line Snake Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ccinksx via Instagram

Skull, Snake, Floral Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @neatneedles via Instagram

Patterned Small Snake with Sparks Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ostopkevich via Instagram

Greyscale Coiled Snake Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inked.byrahh via Instagram

Crawling Snake Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ipektattoo via Instagram

Tiny Snake Tattoo on Sternum

Image by @diana.todic via Instagram

Lunar Sternum Tattoos

You may have thought of getting a moon tattoo at some point. This isn't too surprising, considering how captivated humans are by the moon and the lunar cycle.

After all, one of the most mesmerizing and romantic things you can do is simply stare up at the moon.

Moon tattoos can be quite powerful for women. The moon is a symbol of the feminine divine.

If a moon sternum tattoo sounds a bit basic, it shouldn't. The reality is that there are a ton of lunar based sternum tattoo concepts to choose from.

You can go with a single moon if you like. However, it doesn't have to be simple - you can add as much detail to your sternum tattoo as you want, making it seem hyper-realistic.

Or, you can choose to include other space related objects. This could include stars, constellation, planets, and any other kind of heavenly body.

One interesting idea for such a sternum tattoo is the moon and the sun. This kind of sternum tattoo can be used to depict two opposing forces - after all, the sun is associated with masculinity.

You could also use this sternum tattoo concept to depict balance. You may need two opposing forces to make the world a balanced place.

Black and Grey Lunar Sternum Tattoo

Image by @franklin_tatts via Instagram

Moon with Star and Seashell Sternum Tattoo

Image by @permanenttattooart and tattoo_gurgaon via Instagram

Minimalistic Lunar Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @novaboros via Instagram

Sternum Moon Tattoo Piece

Image by @mkirkuptattoo via Instagram

Moon Phases Sternum Tattoo

Image by @zoefrasertattoo via Instagram

Moon with Sparks Sternum Tattoo

Image by @razorbaby_ink via Instagram

Sun Moon and Star with Flowers Sternum Tattoo

Image by @reggae_tattoo via Instagram

Black Crescent Moon Sternum Tattoo

Image by @marianelab23 via Instagram

Greyscale Moon Phases Sternum Tattoo

Image by @buttattoo via Instagram

Sun and Moon with Flowers Sternum Tattoo

Image by @chad_williams84 via Instagram

Flowers and Moon with Sparks Sternum Tattoo

Image by @earth.and.ink.co via Instagram

Dagger and Sword Sternum Tattoos

Daggers and sword tattoos are becoming more popular and rightfully so. I absolutely love these designs because they have such a gorgeous aesthetic.

There is also more to these complex sternum tattoo concepts than meets the eye. While you might assume that a sword tattoo or a dagger tattoo is only used as a weapon, your sternum tattoo can throw more subtlety into the mix.

Getting a sternum piece of a dagger or sword entwined with flowers can help disguise or alter the meaning traditionally associated with these weapons. Butterflies and other elements can be good for this purpose as well.

Or, you could make your dagger or sword sternum tattoo even more deadly by adding in components like snakes. The choice is yours.

Butterfly Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @hipner.magdalena via Instagram

Grey Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @kendelnicholsontattoo and bloomstreettattoo via Instagram

Twin Snakes with Flowers on Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @hannahfowlertattoo via Instagram

Greyscale Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ariatattooing via Instagram

Floral Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @esovius via Instagram

Sternum Dagger Tattoo Piece

Image by @inkytattoosalve via Instagram

Broken Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @isotattoo via Instagram

Dagger and Peony Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @cavalrytattoostudio via Instagram

Black and Grey Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @jason_james_tattoos via Instagram

Dagger Rose Sternum Tattoo

Image by @taintedsainttattoos via Instagram

Traditional Rose and Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @kacyeppersonart via Instagram

Flowers and Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @dxnkleytattoo via Instagram

Butterfly and Dagger Tattoo on the Sternum

Image by @orla.tattoo via Instagram

Long Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @chrisspencetattoos via Instagram

Black and Grey Dagger Sternum Tattoo

Image by @adambarnestattooer via Instagram

Mandala Sternum Tattoos

If you are someone who's into yoga, meditation, or mindfulness, a mandala tattoo will be right up your alley. There is so much more to a mandala tattoo that people realize.

For instance, did you know that a mandala sternum tattoo is a symbol of a meditation tool? A mandala - and a mandala sternum tattoo - is meant to help you concentrate and focus. In doing so, you will understand your spiritual power and move to a higher plane of consciousness and existence.

It's important to realize the significance of a mandala sternum tattoo because this will inform your tattoo design. See, many mandala tattoo designs that you see on people aren't real.

Rather, they are based on the patterns of a mandala. In reality, such sternum tattoos are meaningless.

If you want an authentic and realistic mandala sternum tattoo, you need to do your research. First, understand that there are different types of mandalas. So, you have to decide which concept you want to model your mandala sternum tattoo after.

It's also a good idea to do some reading about what this means. It will make your mandala sternum tattoo more important to you.

If you simply like the geometric shapes of the mandalas, however, then there is no need to be quite so deep about your sternum tattoo.

In any case, check out these sternum tattoos to decide what kind of look you want to go with:

Bold Black Mandala Sternum Tattoo

Image by @veroink_tattoo via Instagram

Greyscale Mandala Tattoo on Sternum

Image by @anstattoo_studio via Instagram

Greyish Mandala Tattoo Design

Image by @harshbhanushali_tattooartis via Instagram

Elephant Mandala Tattoo on the Sternum

Image by @thecleverhandtattoo via Instagram

Decorative Mandala Sternum Tattoo

Image by @baronart__nana via Instagram

Botanical Mandala Sternum Tattoo

Image by @toji_tattoo_studio via Instagram

Ornamental Sternum Tattoos

This is a new kind of tattoo but I have to say that I'm absolutely in love with it. It's difficult to describe what an ornamental sternum tattoo is, as this is a made-up concept.

This kind of sternum tattoo is made up of dots, geometric shapes, and other intricate designs. In general, however, this type of sternum tattoo is delicate and decorative. It is typically done in black ink.

As this kind of sternum tattoo is tricky to describe, I will let the sternum tattoo images below give you an idea of what to consider for your own ink:

Tiny Ornamental Sun and Star Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inkedbyineke via Instagram

Decorative Sternum Tattoo Design

Image by @koru_house via Instagram

Fine Line Ornamental Sternum Tattoo

Image by @the_moderndayhippie_tattoo via Instagram

Black Decorative Sternum Tattoo

Image by @gisant.orient via Instagram

Black Ink Ornamental Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ink_billow via Instagram

Matching Wrist and Sternum Ornamental Embellishments Tattoo

Image by @celestial.tattooist via Instagram

Floral Ornamental Sternum Tattoo

Image by @melbtattoos via Instagram

Delicate Pattern and Vine Sternum Tattoo Piece

Image by @nicole.tattoos_ via Instagram

Sternum and Chest Ornamental Embellishments Tattoo Design

Image by @celestial.tattooist via Instagram

Tiny Unalome Sternum Tattoo

Image by @eudaemonicax via Instagram

Ornamental Dainty Sternum Tattoo

Image by @lucymaytattoo via Instagram

Medusa Sternum Tattoos

Once, this may have seemed like a rather odd tattoo concept. However, medusa tattoos have become increasingly mainstream among women.

Thanks to the feminist movement, Medusa is now being seen in a new light. While she was once considered a villain, people now understand the tragic backstory behind this mythical figure. When you see how and why Medusa was cursed, she appears to be a strong woman, contending with the consequences of other people's actions.

As a result, this is the perfect idea for your sternum tattoo. If you want to see what this cool tattoo looks like on you, here are the Medusa tattoos to draw inspiration from:

Dark Grey Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @inkbyjayj via Instagram

Crying Face Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @whos_theekidd via Instagram

Demon Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @adamwreckitphilo via Instagram

Black and Grey Floral Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @clubtattooscottsdale via Instagram

Devil Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @theinkfactory via Instagram

Black Line Greyscale Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @ash_wv via Instagram

Red Eye Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @tattoosby_terrell via Instagram

Greyscale Medusa Sternum Tattoo

Image by @cascourt via Instagram

There are many tattoos to choose from if you want to get a sternum tattoo. From intricate geometric shapes to classic designs, the options are endless. Hopefully, this post will give you the guidance to figure out which of these tattoos is the right option for you.

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